Analyzing the Parkinson's disease clinical trial pipeline to facilitate patient collaboration in research.
Methodology Detail
Symptomatic Treatment Drug Trial Portfolio
1) Data for active Phase 1-3 PD trials was downloaded from on April 15, 2021. (n=191 trials)
2) Data for "Recently Completed" Phase 1-3 PD trials was downloaded from on April 15, 2021. (n=41 trials)
3) 3 studies were excluded
4) Each trial in 1) and 2) was manually classified as: "Treating symptoms", "Modifying disease progression", "Measuring disease progression", or "Understanding pathology".
5) 104 trials were identified as evaluations of therapies to treat PD symptoms. They comprise our Portfolio of Symptomatic Treatment Trials.
6) Trials in the Symptomatic Portfolio were also classified as evaluating compounds that are: novel, repurposed (approved to treat another disease or PD symptom) or reformulated.
Data compiled by PD Advocate Sue Buff, with special thanks to PD Advocate Marina Noordegraaf for input on trial classifications.
Trial classification references, scientific journals, industry/academic press releases.
Parkinson’s Disease Drug Therapies in the Clinical Trial Pipeline: 2020, Journal of PD July 2020
Note: Symptom descriptors are as provided on
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